This is my first entry for Mommy Moments
When I was browsing her first month pictures, I can't believe how fast the time is, and how big she has become. From 3,080 grams to 7 kilos in less than 4 months
I got teary eyed when I was looking at her photos of her first month. She was just so tiny then. She used to sleep on my thin pillow but now, she's not comfortable anymore coz she's big. I miss her lil tiny voice...
Oh well... Back to the theme, newborn babies tend to smile alot especially when they are sleeping. Anzu smiles alot even when she was a day old. My camera was always besides me, waiting for her to smile. This pic is one of my favorites.
She was 7 days old.
This is just one of the many pics of our lovey-lovey bonding time with her
and this is the ever first real smile I captured when she was 1 month & 7 days (11/15)
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Can I post more?
when she turned 3 months (01/08/09)
Mata ne... Oyasumi