What's up Mummies? ...and dollies? Have you noticed our site's new look? (・ー・)ノ ウイウイ What can you say about it? Oh well, I was getting tired of my previous layout ()´д`()ゲッソリ・・・and it so happened the other day, I took a break from cleaning our house, I checked my e mails, and for some reasons, I got glued on my desk (again.. and discontinued my chore..). While browsing, I found this base theme and tweaked it off while my baby was asleep (-_-)゜zzz.
So take a look, Im really loving it ♪♪v(⌒o⌒)v♪♪イエーイ... It shows that I'm getting serious with my babyblog. I dont even pay much attention to update my own page. m(。−_−。)m スイマセーン I feel a lil bit bad coz Im not inspired to write something about my own personal rants. It's all about my baby =) Im really obsess lol. (# ̄ー ̄#)ニヤ
Anywhooo, Im excited to share with you that my lil pretty baby can roll over by herself (without support of course..) I was busy chatting with my sissy when Anzu did it. And this time, Honey was the one who first witnessed it (3/17/2009). SO the first clip of this video was her 2nd attempt. Enjoy watching =)
It's such a nice feeling when you see your baby's milestones... We enjoy her more everyday. You know, she changed our lifestyle. Its funny to hear people close to me, especially my girlfriends, saying how creepy it is to see how I changed a lot. Of course they are all happy for me. (●⌒∇⌒●) わーい
Oh yeah I'm thinking of sharing my page for your Ad Buttons for free (only 3 slots 125x125 button). Yet still undecided of my terms and conditions
Im considering of doing it without further notice (atleast for the frequent visitors of this site) by grabbing your button, and/or make one for those who don't have, and plug it on my top side bar for a week or two
. hmmm....
I also have space for ads on my footer. You might just want to place a bid, its so cheap.
Until next わ〜い♪\(*^▽^*)/\(*^▽^*)/\(*^▽^*)/わ〜い♪
So take a look, Im really loving it ♪♪v(⌒o⌒)v♪♪イエーイ... It shows that I'm getting serious with my babyblog. I dont even pay much attention to update my own page. m(。−_−。)m スイマセーン I feel a lil bit bad coz Im not inspired to write something about my own personal rants. It's all about my baby =) Im really obsess lol. (# ̄ー ̄#)ニヤ
Anywhooo, Im excited to share with you that my lil pretty baby can roll over by herself (without support of course..) I was busy chatting with my sissy when Anzu did it. And this time, Honey was the one who first witnessed it (3/17/2009). SO the first clip of this video was her 2nd attempt. Enjoy watching =)
It's such a nice feeling when you see your baby's milestones... We enjoy her more everyday. You know, she changed our lifestyle. Its funny to hear people close to me, especially my girlfriends, saying how creepy it is to see how I changed a lot. Of course they are all happy for me. (●⌒∇⌒●) わーい
my babe's latest pic...
Oh yeah I'm thinking of sharing my page for your Ad Buttons for free (only 3 slots 125x125 button). Yet still undecided of my terms and conditions
Im considering of doing it without further notice (atleast for the frequent visitors of this site) by grabbing your button, and/or make one for those who don't have, and plug it on my top side bar for a week or two
I also have space for ads on my footer. You might just want to place a bid, its so cheap.
Until next わ〜い♪\(*^▽^*)/\(*^▽^*)/\(*^▽^*)/わ〜い♪