We're such homebodies this month
It's better to prevent than cure right? I hope this epidemic would end sooner... I hate seeing news about influenza blah blah.... I miss going to a crowded places without wearing a mask.
Anyway, Im sharing one of our August Weekend get-away instead. It was my dolly's first time to a Zoo Park. We were supposed to go on a Safari Park, but unluckily it was close
Honey is such a sweet dad. He would patiently teach Anzu everything about nature and seems they understand each other lol. Anzu was just so cute listening to his dad and responding back by her "uh uh"ss, as if she's saying "wow.. really?... look dad!" . Seems to prove that kids are more interested in nature.
afterwards and geesh I ate too much... can't help ordering for another 2 extra rice lol.
More weekend bugs here