Mothers' cliche, time sure does fly...
This was taken when Azumi was barely 7 weeks old.

Well, it really does seem like just yesterday that me and my cutie girl were hanging out in the bedroom almost the whole day. She was such a different person then. Back in her baby blob stage. She slept and nursed and slept and nursed. Sweet smiles and giggles when awake. I would always think what a cool thing to be her mom.
There were times at night we would wake up because she was crying. But we had some of our best threesome moments together during those nights.
I’m really so much fun being her mom (and so as her dad) -- teaching her about the world while the world is learning from her at the same time lol.
21 blissful months. We made it this far. We’re doing fine. Three more months to go before the big day.
Ohh baby don’t go too fast. I’m still trying to absorb this all in!
This was taken when Azumi was barely 7 weeks old.

Well, it really does seem like just yesterday that me and my cutie girl were hanging out in the bedroom almost the whole day. She was such a different person then. Back in her baby blob stage. She slept and nursed and slept and nursed. Sweet smiles and giggles when awake. I would always think what a cool thing to be her mom.
There were times at night we would wake up because she was crying. But we had some of our best threesome moments together during those nights.
I’m really so much fun being her mom (and so as her dad) -- teaching her about the world while the world is learning from her at the same time lol.
21 blissful months. We made it this far. We’re doing fine. Three more months to go before the big day.
Ohh baby don’t go too fast. I’m still trying to absorb this all in!