It was 3rd week of January when my pregnancy test had finally appeared to have double line... I was stunned, and couldnt believe it. It might be the usual false alarm again =( just like the previous months.
"wow tutu ba ini?", "hontou kana??!!", "is this for real???!!", these were the reactions I had while looking closely the double lines.
But then, I came out from the CR, and saw him at the kitchen... he really knows when I have something to say, kainis... I can`t pretend when it comes to him, masyado ba ako obvious... Just like that, my plan was ruined. I told him and He was soooooooo happy. He wanted to be sure so we went right away to Wellpark and bought 2 different pregancy tests, magsasara na nga yung store eh..

Well it was confirmed, my lady doctor said we were 6 weeks pregnant, and warned us to be extra careful coz there are chances that----u know---..

this was our 2nd check up. Not from the Lady doctor that I love ( malayo kasi ) So we registered again from my previous maternity clinic near our place. But the thing is, mga men ang mga OB dun =(
So, Dr. Tanaka ( who used to treat me when I was suffering from infertility ) was stunned kasi Im pregnant na after half a year or more(?) of treating my cycle during 2007. DUring that time, I changed doctor kasi ala naman nangyayari sa kanila. We went to this lady doctor instead, my honey`s family OB. SHe`s great kaso nga lang, now that Im pregnant, I should register to a clinic near our place. SO we went back to my previous clinic. Infairness, maganda naman dun, hi-tech and accomodating. I just don`t like the other doctor, Dr. Tanaka =<


11 weeks old
the first US pic was taken last 3 / 18 / 2008
2nd US was last 3 / 21 / 2008
During this first few months, I remember having the normal symptoms of early pregnancy, called PAGLILIHI...
- Tender breasts... My breasts were unusually sensitive and heavier, although at first look, parang Maui Taylor`s boobs, it looks fuller pero masakit =) .
- Bouts of nausea. I can`t describe the feeling. I hated it and yet loved it. I hate vomitting but knowing that it was part of pregnancy, ok lang. Kaya lang I can`t normally eat. I hate smelly foods and everything. I was so moody.
- Unusual Fatigue. I easily get tired. I was so lazy, bum... I can`t do my chores. I was always lying in the sofa or bed. I was always sleepy.
- Frequent Urination... Even in the middle of the night, I woke up para umihi =(
About my emotions, I felt delighted, worried, exhilarated, thrilled,and exhausted. Different emotions, sometimes all at once, positive and negative feelings. Some says it is normal because of the hormonal changes. And having a baby adds emotional stress.
I was always thinking about his/her health. Would he be normal? Would she have abnormalities... something like that... Would I be a good parent? Am I really ready?
Basta a lot negative thoughts popped in, but at the end of the day, Im so thankful... I waited for this for a long time. I shouldn`t be pessimistic about my baby... I know she / he will be a beautiful baby just like US, his / her parents =)
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Bambie (Anzu's mum)
kawaiiprincess.me ♥
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