My Bump`s Second Trimester
The second trimester is I think best part of our pregnancy. There are so many changes happening to our body and the baby. My belly started to show... I begin to feel my baby`s movements! During this time, Doctor could determine already his/her gender thru ultrasound. But Honey and I agreed not to know our baby`s gender until I deliver... (he wishes to be a boy =) while I want a girl )

It was Spring time... A week or 2, of beautiful cherry blossoms. We went picnic to Sagami park and saw a lot of happy families. I felt envy of course, tagal pa lumabas ni baby. Anyway, next year, we`ll surely have lots lots of out of towns with our love.

14 weeks old
This US was shot by Dr. Kaku, i think he`s the son`s owner or the owner of Kaku Sanjifunka where I`m registered. I like him also (aside from dr. Yamaguchi)... He always laugh.. he explaines things to me by his drawings hehe...

After almost 3 weeks of waiting for our next check up
17 weeks
by Dr. Yamaguchi =)
We`ve been thinking about names, and we decided if it`s a girl, it would be Erisha Azumi, and if it`s a boy, it would be Leon something...
18 weeks old =)
My honey also looks pregnant... I wasn`t really sure how many months or years ehhe...
5 / 9 / 2008
weight: 53 kg.
20 weeks old
5 / 17 / 2008
hmmm my belly`s growing...
21 weeks old
5 / 23 / 2008
This time, we already knew what our baby`s gender is...
Actually we agreed before not to know anything about our baby`s sex, but when the doctor asked us if we wanna know what the gender is, he said YES right away, my reaction was "huh?" (he was the one who said it would be better if surprise because it`s our first baby... )
It was our May 20 check up when we found out. I lost my US picture =(
Honey expected our baby to be a boy. He always dreams about playing baseball with his boy. But the weird thing is, sometimes when he talks to my belly, he says "anji.... anji desuka? "...
I think deep in his heart, he also wanted a girl... kawaii kasi girl diba...
Kaya when the doctor said Girl, he was disappointed at first, but the next day, parang he`s excited na... He always name her "angela... anji... azumi...."
I always correct him, "it`s erisha azumi ok!!!!"
Honey is really so sweet... He always kisses my belly, as in like 100x a day...
23 weeks old
6 / 4 / 2008
weight 55kg
Checked and US by Dr. Kaku. I had this check-up because I`ll be flying to Philippines. Thank God, my doctor made a waiver for me. I missed my loveones in PI and they were all excited to see me and my tummy.
Because honey was so kulit, and keeps on naming her anji, I decided to name her
still 23 weeks
shot by Nikka, at my room in Angeles City.
Godd I missed them... I missed everything about Philippines.
6 / 15 / 2008
Honey wasn`t there yet coz he was so busy.
My sisi took this shot again... My gosh, my belly`s really growing so fast. I always eat and eat and eat and shopping.
No more night outs
6 / 21 / 2008
25 weeks
My baby shower.
I can`t elaborate about the party coz I might be homesick again.
But I tell you, it was fun and I love it coz alsmost everybody was there, my loveones and friends... Honey was already there also and they all love him.
almost 26 weeks
6 / 26 / 2008
weight 57.6 kg
checked by Dr. Yamaguchi =)
Back to tokyo =(
Baby is so healthy.
7 / 4 / 2008
27 weeks old and
our 36th monthsery... NO MORE ELABORATIONS =)
7 / 9 / 2008
27 weeks and 4 days based on US
I gained a lot of weight... I was 58.4 kg =)
7 /12 / 2008
end of 2nd trimester
Well, the second trimester (13-28 Weeks) is the most physically enjoyable for
most women. It`s like you`re not pregnant at all. But of course, you may feel
your baby`s movements during this time. It really gives you and your partner a
different joy.
this was created by nikka my sisi...
0 kawaii thoughts
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Bambie (Anzu's mum) ♥
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