Whatta year it's been.. During this past year Anzu turned from a baby into a kid. Quite a transformation
Only last year, she was just on the sidelines watching all the holiday fun.. and now? well...
Anyway, Im such a busy busy busy mom that I had all the time to review our 2009
It's really nice that I have something to read back, and remember the moments and the feelings all over again... I never imagined myself writing a diary or journal like about my life before, but I guess babies can turn you from a happy go lucky girl to a sentimental person
The thing is, I enjoy sharing my baby's life with you...
So here (due to boredom) I thought of compiling them with my chosen quotes from each post
... hope you enjoy my dramas... i actually cant believe i wrote those things
10-11 weeks
**Before, I couldn't imagine my life with a kid, until we have Her. I had so much dreams for myself. And now I can’t imagine my life without Her. My dreams are not only for myself, but for my family as well. My honey felt the same way...
Anzu not feeling well
**Ganun pala feeling being a MOm, konting sakit lang, di na mapakali.. I tend to forget she's sick whenever she smiles, pero back to being worried naman when she coughs.
on her 3rd month
**OH MY... it's been 3 months already,?... my baby is growing. She already weighs about 6 kilos =( Im happy but lil sad... I'll surely gonna miss her baby days. Before we know it, she's going to school already huhuh.. lol
Well of course I'm happy. I've seen her grow up this whole 3 months. We're together 24/7 (although sometimes I go out for shopping ). I see the changes that sometimes amaze us. I'm the one who see almost All her "first"..
Azumi has just turned 100 days . In Japan, a baby celebrates a ceremony called Okuizume which literally means first meal of one's life.
3 months and a week
She really enjoys waving her hands while pumping feet during active hours
Her kicks are getting stronger. Her hands are trying to reach for something, but she still can't......
3 months and a week II
Its overwhelming when you see your child doing some new things... It's been a wonderful 3 months and 3 weeks with our baby now.Her smile is always been a good thing to start a wonderful day .
Anzu Laughing Outloud
**I just love her laughing like that.. my heart also screams
First Smile
**... newborn babies tend to smile alot especially when they are sleeping. Anzu smiles alot even when she was a day old. My camera was always besides me, waiting for her to smile.
First Vaccination
This is what I love in Japan. Children ages 0-6 years old have the priveledge of free check ups and vaccinations.
Preggy Pics
In my whole life...
Knowing we were 6 weeks pregnant is the happiest moment...
Being pregnant to our first baby is the most wonderful part....
Giving birth to our lil princess is the sweetest pain I have ever felt.... Our lil Anzu gave meaning to our life....
My 4 Months Old Baby
** Giving up my job with a nice salary to become a full time stay at home m0mma (& a wifey) is all worth it. I wouldn't want to miss anything special from my baby's milestones of development.
Feeding Time
** When I was still pregnant, I was already determined to breastfeed my baby even though I didn't have the idea of how would I do it. I heard alot of situations that there are many moms who couldn't breastfeed their babies because they just can't...
3 months Milestones and Vids
** My baby has so many pictures... taking photos and videos of her are just one of my obessessions actually =)
i so much enjoy the Japan's rich culture. Im lucky to be part of it now because I have a Japanese daughter. Im glad to have a husband who whole heartedly shares their culture to me, and willingly like to teach our (future)children not only their culture, but also my culture =) I know, my kids will be happy and proud to be half Filipino and Japanese when they grow up
. Coz you know, I know some half filipino kids who don't want to be labeled as filipino
Bath Time
One of my favorite routine of the day ( I guess my baby too ) is BABY BATH TIME
. Perhaps this is the main part where we can bond with our lil dollie since I couldn't do it all by myself.
Toy Hunt: Yellow Toys
Jolly Anzu
** Having a happy baby is the best pleasures a mom (& dad) could ever have. I wish she stays that way til she gets old.
Happy 5 Months Baby
An open letter for my baby on her 5th month
Anzu's First Official Meal
My Babe's 5th Month Milestones
Anzu rolled Over
It shows that I'm getting serious with my babyblog. I dont even pay much attention to update my own page. m(。−_−。)m スイマセーン I feel a lil bit bad coz Im not inspired to write something about my own personal rants. It's all about my baby =) Im really obsess lol. (# ̄ー ̄#)ニヤ
Anyway, Im such a busy busy busy mom that I had all the time to review our 2009
It's really nice that I have something to read back, and remember the moments and the feelings all over again... I never imagined myself writing a diary or journal like about my life before, but I guess babies can turn you from a happy go lucky girl to a sentimental person
The thing is, I enjoy sharing my baby's life with you...
So here (due to boredom) I thought of compiling them with my chosen quotes from each post
**Before, I couldn't imagine my life with a kid, until we have Her. I had so much dreams for myself. And now I can’t imagine my life without Her. My dreams are not only for myself, but for my family as well. My honey felt the same way...
**Ganun pala feeling being a MOm, konting sakit lang, di na mapakali.. I tend to forget she's sick whenever she smiles, pero back to being worried naman when she coughs.
**OH MY... it's been 3 months already,?... my baby is growing. She already weighs about 6 kilos =( Im happy but lil sad... I'll surely gonna miss her baby days. Before we know it, she's going to school already huhuh.. lol
Well of course I'm happy. I've seen her grow up this whole 3 months. We're together 24/7 (although sometimes I go out for shopping ). I see the changes that sometimes amaze us. I'm the one who see almost All her "first"..
Azumi has just turned 100 days . In Japan, a baby celebrates a ceremony called Okuizume which literally means first meal of one's life.
She really enjoys waving her hands while pumping feet during active hours
Her kicks are getting stronger. Her hands are trying to reach for something, but she still can't......
Its overwhelming when you see your child doing some new things... It's been a wonderful 3 months and 3 weeks with our baby now.Her smile is always been a good thing to start a wonderful day .
**I just love her laughing like that.. my heart also screams
**... newborn babies tend to smile alot especially when they are sleeping. Anzu smiles alot even when she was a day old. My camera was always besides me, waiting for her to smile.
This is what I love in Japan. Children ages 0-6 years old have the priveledge of free check ups and vaccinations.
In my whole life...
** Giving up my job with a nice salary to become a full time stay at home m0mma (& a wifey) is all worth it. I wouldn't want to miss anything special from my baby's milestones of development.
** When I was still pregnant, I was already determined to breastfeed my baby even though I didn't have the idea of how would I do it. I heard alot of situations that there are many moms who couldn't breastfeed their babies because they just can't...
3 months Milestones and Vids
** My baby has so many pictures... taking photos and videos of her are just one of my obessessions actually =)
i so much enjoy the Japan's rich culture. Im lucky to be part of it now because I have a Japanese daughter. Im glad to have a husband who whole heartedly shares their culture to me, and willingly like to teach our (future)children not only their culture, but also my culture =) I know, my kids will be happy and proud to be half Filipino and Japanese when they grow up
One of my favorite routine of the day ( I guess my baby too ) is BABY BATH TIME
** Having a happy baby is the best pleasures a mom (& dad) could ever have. I wish she stays that way til she gets old.
An open letter for my baby on her 5th month
It shows that I'm getting serious with my babyblog. I dont even pay much attention to update my own page. m(。−_−。)m スイマセーン I feel a lil bit bad coz Im not inspired to write something about my own personal rants. It's all about my baby =) Im really obsess lol. (# ̄ー ̄#)ニヤ