Our lil Azumi's independent spirit is becoming more evident and unexpected nowadays. Atleast most of the time if not often.
She doesn't want to be held longer.. she wants to go upstairs by herself .. she wants to walk without her hands being held.. There's always 2 spoons whenever she eats, one for her and one for me. She won'T eat unless she holds her own spoon and feed herself ( while I feed her at the same time of course.. ).. and many more "i can do it" things lol
It's really fulfilling to see your kids becoming independent. Can't help but become sentimental sometimes coz a year ago, I was just a newbie without experience under my belt - I was freaked out ---she was so little and needy, and I had to quickly learn how to meet her needs...
And now??...oh well I must admit, Im also a little excited and anticipating all the cool things that are in store for her in the coming days, weeks, and months.
I guess I have to tell the news now and further talk about it next time.... --- We have a new pre-schooler next week

She doesn't want to be held longer.. she wants to go upstairs by herself .. she wants to walk without her hands being held.. There's always 2 spoons whenever she eats, one for her and one for me. She won'T eat unless she holds her own spoon and feed herself ( while I feed her at the same time of course.. ).. and many more "i can do it" things lol
I should've posted this a month ago...
Captured In Time...
enjoying eating by herslef lol
ALso watch the Part 2 of this video
It's really fulfilling to see your kids becoming independent. Can't help but become sentimental sometimes coz a year ago, I was just a newbie without experience under my belt - I was freaked out ---she was so little and needy, and I had to quickly learn how to meet her needs...
And now??...oh well I must admit, Im also a little excited and anticipating all the cool things that are in store for her in the coming days, weeks, and months.
I guess I have to tell the news now and further talk about it next time.... --- We have a new pre-schooler next week