The thing I miss most about my motherhood is nursing… It was such a wonderful experience for me.... the closeness, the bond, and the knowledge that I was doing the best that I could for her at the time, which somehow, now, it never seems like I can do enough for her...

I feel sorry for myself (and my lil girl) that I only could've nursed her for four months =( If given a choice, I would want to be an exclusive, long term breast feeder, as long as my baby wants to.. But the thing is, she kinda weaned herself when I only refused to feed her with my precious breastmilk for a day because I wasn't feeling well during that time.
I loved the time I was breastfeeding Azumi and I miss it (not to mention missing my fabulous breasts! lol)

Seriously, sometimes I miss breastfeeding... I miss the moments.. I miss my baby being a baby.. I think it's one of the essences of motherhood -- the principle of being able to think and give the best you can for your child, the love.
For future moms, I strongly recommend breastfeeding your baby for 101 or more reasons...

I feel sorry for myself (and my lil girl) that I only could've nursed her for four months =( If given a choice, I would want to be an exclusive, long term breast feeder, as long as my baby wants to.. But the thing is, she kinda weaned herself when I only refused to feed her with my precious breastmilk for a day because I wasn't feeling well during that time.
I loved the time I was breastfeeding Azumi and I miss it (not to mention missing my fabulous breasts! lol)

Seriously, sometimes I miss breastfeeding... I miss the moments.. I miss my baby being a baby.. I think it's one of the essences of motherhood -- the principle of being able to think and give the best you can for your child, the love.
For future moms, I strongly recommend breastfeeding your baby for 101 or more reasons...