Happy Monday
Azumi has no class today ^ ^ because it was their school's Sports Day yesterday which we also attended. It was tiring yet fun.
Azumi asked me to set up a tent in our living room coz she wants to have a picnic ^ ^
I made a (not-so) cute onigiri for her.
6.3.13 mon

Happy princess patootee...

It's a sunny day today. A pair of Sun glasses is a must!

Our kawaii princess' OOTD. We're going to the riverside ^ ^

Snack time at the riverside.

Monday is a fresh start. It's never too late to dig in and begin a new journey of success.
Love always,
Azumi's Mum
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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Bambie (Anzu's mum)
kawaiiprincess.me ♥
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