Happy Friday
4.12.2013 Friday
It was sad to know that one of Azumi's friend might have to stop schooling in Kunitachi Kids because of a possible moving to another country. That also means, we might not see our friend too, (Azumi's friend's Mommy) as often as before.
Nonetheless, as much as possible we don't want to think about it, atleast for a couple of weeks or months until confirmed. BUT yeah it's sad.
Anyway, school has started already. It was just a 2 week vacation. Too short huh.
Our friend came and we had lunch at the same place we always go ~ BORA BORA.

I missed them.. I missed us... I missed this, having lunch with liquors and laughs. (Did i say liquor?)
Actually, this planned lunch is meant to celebrate Hiroe san's birthday. She didn't know. Surprise!

That surprised reaction was priceless hehe..
Thank you Ikuko san for the cake :) Shibuiiii...

After our lunch date, we fetch our kids in the bus stop.

And headed to Hiroe San's place for the part 2 of our celebration. It was Friday anyway.
Hungry kawaii kids having snack...

Once again... kanpai!!' With Saori San. お疲れ様(^ー^)ノ

And with my dear lil sissy Nikka before she goes to work.

Here are some snapshots while we were busy talking ~ yeah Im good at multi tasking.
Me with my cuties, Emma Jasmin and Azumi ❤

Aoi Chan and Akari Chan consulting something to Saori San ~ game かな、写真?

The girls... Emma M is missing...

While mommies were having a good time, kids are having too on their own.

Happy Weekend.
Much love,
Az' Mum
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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Bambie (Anzu's mum)
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